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"But I'm not overweight". Yes you are.
Well, most likely. In roadside weighing stations operated by authorities and weighing professionals, an average of 78% of all Caravan rigs are beyond specifications with at least one rating making them illegal and uninsured. Most of those also thought their rig was legal and were surprised to find it wasn't.
Unfortunately, cars and caravans are extremely competitive markets with increasing customers demands plus an industry aimed at 4x4 and camping accessories that have led extremely common misunderstandings of vehicle capabilities and compliance.

Protect your family from inury or death

Vehicle and caravan desgin engineers have designed your rig in a specific way to make it safe and set limits and operational instructions to ensure it remains safe. If you are not operating your rig within these specifications, you are at risk of a crash that could hurt or even kill your family. Caravan sway is becomming an increasing problem with many people being seriously injured or killed in roll-overs or other types of accidents.
Protect yourself and other road users
It's not just your family that could be killed, injured or inconvenienced. You could injure yourself in an accident or other innocent road users. Even where accidents result fortunately in no-one being hurt, they can cause havoc in traffic.
Protect your huge investment

Did you know that in the event of an accident, your insurance company can refuse your claim if your rig is not within specifications, even by 1kg? For some, their car and caravan is the most expensive thing they own, or the most expensive if they still have a house. Add to this that in the event of an accident where you're operating a vehicle out of specification, you may also be personally liable for the other persons vehicle, building or even for personal injury. You've spent all that money on your investment, and then spent the money to insure it, it's worth a small investment to ensure that your insurance is actually valid. What position would you be in if you wrote off your car and caravan/boat, and your insurance refused your claim?
Avoid needless fines
With increasing numbers of accidents and injuries, Police and other regulatory bodies across the country are increasing compliance checks. These can include weigh stations where expiation notices are being issued for any vehicle or trailer that is not in specification.

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